Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Bloody Gutless Wonder Part 2 (for real this time)

You're reading my comments too right? Cause they're funny. They're like little mini blog posts that you get for free along with the big blog posts. I just squished the mosquito bytw. It was full of my blood and now it is on my hand, which is gross, since I didn't wash it, because I don't feel like moving from my chair. Some Italian student will probably get sick after using this computer and then die. And he will probably be the son of some really important Italian diplomat who will declare war on the US (see how exciting studying abroad is???).

Anyway... if you read my comments you will know about the mosquito. It will almost be like our little inside joke. If you've been reading the comments this whole time, you can feel smug about being a little bit better than all the other people who read up till this point and then were like "wait... what mosquito? I'm so confused!" (they will probably be the same people who went "wait... what are they 'wait whatting about?"). See how I'm tying in all these blog posts? I feel like a real writer.

Oh... and I blame any spelling or grammar mistakes on the keyboards over here. Or the fact that I was using Schylers Mac. And before that... uh... I was stressed about the trip or something.

And now I've written to the point where I'm scared to keep going again... so I'm just going to post this and finish the story later. Sorry.


  1. I scraped the mosquito blood off my palm. Now it is under my fingernail. I'm not sure if that's better...

  2. I feel so superior to everyone else. Hehehehehe. I always read your mini blog posts, aka comments. Do cool stuff in Italy and post pictures. (If you can get up the nerve to talk to the hot Italian girl, and make her move.) I still miss you.


