Monday, September 6, 2010


We were tired of driving and there are only so many beaches you can pass before you have to visit one, so we pulled off on a little dirt road and a shirtless old guy in crocks came out and took our Euros and gave us a patch of grass on his property. We unloaded everything and hit the beach. Autocamping would have been more fun except for the mosquitoes. It was too hot to cover oneself properly, so we used liberal amounts of repellant and hoped for the best (I wrapped my towel around my head). The mosquitoes here have a fondness for ears, and super tiny and travel at a thousand miles per hour. They spend about a second on you so you can never squish them and hit you three or four times before they leave you alone.
I also heard a car wreck out on the highway that night... which was a little scary.
Whaaaaat else... hmm... Oh! Calamari! Or... squid! Food that I did eat at this point in time. It was a mile stone. After squid, no creature on earth has the ability to make me not eat it, just because it looks weird.

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